Here are a few more Radio links...mostly microwave related...
A wealth of amateur radio microwave information. G3PHO HOMEPAGE
A highly motivated group of VHF contest addicts. These guys make microwaves fun in my area. Grid Pirates, K8GP HOMEPAGE
A great VHF and above ham radio organization...East Coast.
A great VHF and above ham radio organization...New England.
A great VHF and above ham radio organization...Texas North Texas Microwave Society Dedicated to Promoting Activity
A great place to get hardware.
A great place to get hardware. SSB Electronic Home Page
A great place to get high quality antennas.
A great place to get coax/connectors. The R.F. Connection
EME & 24 GHz information de CT1DMK. Microwaves and MillimeterWaves - L. Cupido
Some more high quality microwave information, including 24 GHz.
MM-wave stuff from Michael Fletcher..., including 24,47,76 GHz, & more!.
Excellent collection of microwave information. PE1CQQ
Go Here for even more information. more2.htm